Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Anniversary to My Husband

Hello! Is anyone out there?!?! It's me! Are you following? Cuz I've got a monster of a blog for you today.

I haven't blogged in so long, you might be wondering why the sudden urge to now. The reason is simple. My husband! The sappy man he is I thought this would be a lot nicer for him to read than a card. He enjoys reading my blogs and has been trying to get me to start up again for a while. So without further adieu... Here's one, just for him.


Honey! My first blog in a long time and it's to say...

Happy 5 Year Wedding Anniversary! Thank you for the past 5 wonderful years. Not only have I felt so secure in our marriage, but I've had a damn good time! Best believe.

From our 5 year wedding anniversary photo shoot with Endless Envisions

When we got engaged 6 years ago, we were 24 years old and in the 2nd year of dating (not including the years as friends). Thinking back we did sorta seem like two crazy kids in a rush doesn't it? Haha.

October 7, 2006

I couldn't say I regretted a single thing. In fact, if I knew how things would turn out the way it did, I would still have married you 5 years ago on October 7th without a doubt. Reliving the last 5 years wouldn't be so bad, but I'm excited to see what we've got coming. Life and marriage has been nothing short of amazing.

I had a really hard time figuring out what I wanted to share with you in this blog post, but I don't think I tell you enough how great I think you are. So I'll tell you here and now...

 In fact, there are things you might think I don't like about you, but I'm actually very proud of. For instance, I'm very proud that you're a Batman and comic book geek. It's a way cheaper hobby than electronics and cars and I actually think Batman is one bad ass dude... although Heather Ledger's Joker is WAY more bad ass. And here's a confession... if you REALLY wanted to name our son Bruce Wayne Tran or our daughter Harley Quinn Tran, I would probably let you. So think long and hard before you make such decisions.

Here you are with the bat himself at Comic Con 2011 in San Diego

You with the actual Dark Knight suit in NYC 2008

Heath Ledger's Joker on a Dark Knight Movie Poster at our subway stop -2008

I hope you're appreciative of the things I do for you. Things like getting in line early to watch all of your superhero midnight showings and staying up late on Thursday nights, going to work sleepy. Remember that one time I got really sick because we were waiting outside in line forever? Haha. I forgive you.

I hope you know that I support your geekiness and am with you every step of the way! I love it. I love seeing you in your element and I love seeing you happy and being a kid. Even accountants need to have fun right?!

Batman standing on a gargoyle or something. Haha. (Comic Con 2011)

With that said, I love that you're also equally supportive of all the weird phases I go through even though it makes other guys call you "gay". Haha. Like remember the time you waited in line with me to watch the midnight showing of Twilight?

Us with the Eddie Bear you made me mirrored off Edward Cullen

And remember you even sported a Twilight shirt? LOL!

Oh, but honey... You're MY hero! Haha!

Man, you even went with my zany idea to reenact a photo from the Twilight movie. LOL! (Thanks Thaoie for taking this awesome shot! Thao Vu Photography)

Hold on tight spider monkey! (Thao Vu Photography)

Thank you for waiting in line and watching the midnight showing of Sex and the City the movie with me in Manhattan. Thank you for looking up geeky movie news of flicks you know I'd like to see and follow. And thank you for your undying support of my love for Captain Jack Sparrow!

Subway station in NYC

On one of our date nights at Downtown Disney

And not to mention... Thank you for your understanding of my weird love for Justin Bieber. Haha. And watching Never Say Never in 3D with me as well.

Your support went so far as to try to imitate his hair for me for a day. LOL!

hmm... Fail

You might also think I'd be embarrassed about this other thing, but I find it pretty funny. Honey, it's your love of wearing tights and spandex during Halloween. Haha!





I think it's sorta funny that you like to subtly coordinate every outfit with me, but I think it's so cute and endearing. I love you! =) It's a good thing we aren't like some couples who wear the exact same shirt and pants! Only Duy would try to pull that off! LOL!

Freakin' DUY!

At a park in Gramercy, NYC

Kailee's Bow Tie Theme Birthday at the Crosby

In Los Angeles

Almond Tree Field in CA

Downtown Santa Ana

Wine tasting in Temecula

Thuy's Birthday Party in Soho, NYC

I like how you pretend that you don't like it when I wear your clothes around other people, but in actuality you really love it. Yeah! I outted you! Everyone knows the truth now! =)

While visiting me at work, you caught me wearing one of your shirts

Not only are we super compatible in our preferences in travel locations and traveling styles, you're also always up for anything I wanna do, even if it might seem a little off and others don't want to join. Haha. I don't know who would be my roll dawg if I didn't have you. =)

Bubble Battle in Times Square

80's Prom in the East Village

Dancing together in NYC's Dance Parade

Trying to break the Thriller Dance Guinness World Record

Trying to break the world record for most people dressed as super heroes in one spot. YEAH! Will Farrell!

I love that you love to watch outdoor movies and have picnics with me. How many times do we go? Like three or four times every summer?

Exposition Park 

Brooklyn Bridge Park

I love that we have the same favorite movie, Fight Club and I love that we love the same music. In that way, we really can do everything together and have a great time.

Incubus at Radio City Music Hall in NYC

I think it's so cool how you're musical. I remember before we were even dating, you sat down and played the piano and I think at that moment I fell in love just a little bit. You play the piano, the drums, and now you're into djing...

Djing at Duy's pool party

I love that you're so close with my closest buds. Not just a couple of them, but ALL of them pretty much!

With Duy and Dennis on NYE

Yes, even with my ex. Haha!

On the Little Mermaid ride with Tony at Disneyland

But even more I love it that you're so close to my family, my mom, all my little cousins... Especially my best friend and little brother Nam. When the three of us are together it seems like nothing could ever go bad. I know we miss him, but we'll be reunited soon! =)

Having brunch in the East Village

And I can't stress enough how much of a gentleman you are. You never let me do anything if you can do it yourself. Even until this day, if I'm thirsty and about to go downstairs to get a drink, you'll always insist that you go get it instead. 

Carrying groceries in Manhattan

Rowing the whole time in Central Park, even though you were tired. Haha.

There are things you probably don't even think I would think about. It's always the things you do without asking for anything in return that really touch me. I remember during the winter time in New York you would insist I not even go to the laundromat with you to do laundry insisting that it would just be faster if you did it by yourself and you'd rather have me warm inside our apartment. 

Laundromat in East Village

And don't think I don't think about it, but I'm also very grateful for the fact that you love spending time with me. If we ever work kind of near each other, you'd wake up a little earlier just so we could carpool to work and you'd drop me off earlier. You'd drive to my work place to take me to lunch and after work you'd come back to pick me up because you loved spending time with me even in the car.

In New York you rode the subway an extra 10 minutes just so you could spend a little more time with me and after work even though I told you you could go straight home, you wanted to trek back to my area to wait for me so we could go home together.

First thing I saw when leaving work every day. =)

There's something that cousin Frances told me that I thought was really funny. Donky said to her, "Dan acts like he's still trying to get Anne. Like every day. Until this day!" HAHA. Thanks honey, for always acting like you're still trying to get me. I love you.

Thank you for getting me flowers on special occasions, but also thank you for getting me flowers on my sad days honey. Every time I have one of those days that make me just want to cry, you never fail to bring me home flowers or my favorite tea or treat. Those simple gestures remind me of the pain you feel when I'm sad and reminds me how much my happiness means to you. 

Who wouldn't want to receive flowers from a handsome fellow?
I so very much love that you are my partner in crime in everything we do! How is it that I got so lucky that I would find someone that is so compatible with me in so many ways? Because of this, we're able to do so much together and have so much fun.

Someone that would move to a brand new city with me?

Gazing at the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan (Thao Vu Photography)

Someone that would join me in my exploration of the world.

His and her traveling backpacks, thanks to brother Nam

There are just so many things that I love about you and appreciate about you that I just don't think I could list them all on this post. Just know that I thank you for everything and thank you for being you. I'm just going to end it with one last thing. 

You might not think I notice, but I do. It's crazy that you still have those looks that radiate so much warmth and love. Sometimes you look at me like I'm the only one in the room and that everything around you has disappeared. The moment makes me weak because you look at me like you're still madly in love with me...

There it is. The photographer caught you that time.

... As I am with you! Happy 5 Year Anniversary, Butthead!